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IronSource opens up entire suite of interactive ads to all clients

Performing 400% better in some cases
IronSource opens up entire suite of interactive ads to all clients

Mobile monetisation and marketing firm ironSource has expanded its interactive ads to all of its clients after early tests showed drastically improved performance over video ads.

Its playable ads alone have performed 300% better in terms of installs than video ads, while its interactive rewarded video ads perform 250% better. The company also trialled an interactive end card, which has seen up to 45% more installs.

The full suite of interactive ads will now be made available to every ironSource client, after having previously only been available to premium clients. IronSource is expecting to generate over $200 million in revenues from its interactive ads by the end of 2017.

Interactivity holds the key

"We know that interactivity holds the key to a better experience for users and better performance for advertisers. The proof is in the data, with 3 times the installs compared to a standard video ad," said Omer Kaplan, CMO and Cofounder at ironSource.

"Equally important, the retention of users acquired through interactive ads is 35% higher than those acquired through other ad formats. The fact that users can actually interact with these ads creates an infinitely more impactful experience for the advertiser, and results in much higher quality users who choose to install."

IronSource most recently improved its rewarded video ad inventory through an expanded partnership with Google AdMob. Prior to the new partnership, ironSource only had access to Google's interstitials.