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TIGA awards 17 game development courses around the UK its University Accreditation

Recognising courses that will actually get graudates jobs in the industry
TIGA awards 17 game development courses around the UK its University Accreditation

UK games trade body TIGA has awarded 17 university game development courses around the UK its own TIGA University Accreditation.

The accreditation indicates that a course have strong links with the games industry, and that a high number of its graduates go on to get jobs in the industry. Up to 67% of graduates from some courses get jobs in games after graduating from a TIGA accredited course.

Universities with approved courses span the UK, from Sheffield Hallam University to the City University of London. Staffordshire University has seven TIGA Accredited courses, the highest out of all the universities.

Got your back

"The UK needs its studios to be backed by quality graduates from universities that know the current needs of the game industry. To make that happen, collaboration between industry and educators is essential," said TIGA CEO Richard Wilson.

"The TIGA University Accreditation system was introduced to recognise the very best undergraduate and postgraduate university courses, enabling
both prospective students and game developers to identify
those courses that are producing industry-ready graduates, while strengthening the bond between industry and educators."

In May 2017, TIGA launched its own funding guide for UK-based developers to help them better understand what funding is available to them. This includes investors, crowdfunding, and project finance schemes.