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Epic Games dishes out $1 million in grants for Unreal Engine 4 devs

The games publisher handed out grants to 37 teams
Epic Games dishes out $1 million in grants for Unreal Engine 4 devs

Fortnite developer Epic Games has dished out $1 million in grants for developers using Unreal Engine 4.

37 teams and creators benefited from the investment and are set to use it for games, education, virtual production and healthcare.

Among the teams is games developer Cornfox and Bros, which is developing an action-adventure mobile game called Oceanhorn 2.

The Unreal Dev Grants program was established back in February 2015 as a $5 million fund for promising developers working with Unreal Engine 4.

Awards ranged from $5,000 to $50,000 with no restrictions or obligations to Epic Games.

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“The Unreal Dev Grants program was designed to give studios and other developers a boost to bring their promising working prototypes to market, and to give back to the wider Unreal developer community as they use the engine in interesting ways,” said Epic Games partnership manager Chance Ivey.

“This new round is our biggest yet, and we are blown away by the potential of projects like Kara Education, an AI-driven online educational platform for kids with hearing difficulties; VStore, a VR tool for quick and portable early dementia screenings; and Anima, a robust crowd simulation plugin for Unreal that can be leveraged by any game designer or VFX artist working with Unreal.”