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Develop:Brighton 2018 breaks attendance record with 2,369 visitors over three days

Represents a nine per cent year-on-year increase

UK games industry conference Develop: Brighton racked up a record 2,369 visitors across three days.

The figure represents a nine per cent year-on-year increase - the most the event has seen over its 13-year history.

Conference attendees were able to hear from more than 120 speakers across 107 sessions and eight tracks. These included sessions from Vlambeer’s Rami Ismail and Mike Bithell, Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida (pictured, main), Haden Blackman and Andy Wilson from Hangar 13, EA’s Jade Raymond and Bossa Studios’ Chet Faliszek.

Alongside the conference, 32 exhibitors showcased their games, services, tools and vacancies, including King, Hangar 13, Jagex, Bossa Studios, Epic Games and Sumo Digital.


“I’d like to thank all our speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and attendees for making this year’s Develop:Brighton such a success,” said Tandem Events managing director Andy Lane.

“For 2018, we strived to create a conference and expo that was more diverse, had more content and explored more of the topics that are at the forefront of games development.

“We are pleased with positive comments we’ve received this year, and for 2019 we’ll continue to push forward and create a conference that brings the game development community together.”

Develop:Brighton 2019 is set to take place from July 9th to July 11th.