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Second Dinner picks up three more Hearthstone veterans

Three former Blizzard developers join former Hearthstone director Ben Brode’s new studio
Second Dinner picks up three more Hearthstone veterans

Former Hearthstone director Ben Brode has taken on three more ex-Blizzard employees for his new studio Second Dinner.

Brode announced his new studio in July this year, after leaving his 15-year career at Blizzard back in April. Now, three more developers have left the Warcraft developer to join Brode at the Orange County studio.

Jomaro Kindred, Yong Woo, and Michael Schweitzer will all join Second Dinner as co-founders. Former concept artist Kindred takes on a role as art director, while Woo brings his role as production director to Brode’s company. They worked at Blizzard for four and nine years respectively.

Schweitzer takes on an engineering position, after a career at Blizzard that saw him work on everything from software engineering to developing new IP. His career began in 2005 with work on World of Warcraft.

Moving out

Kindred explained his decision to leave Blizzard ahead of the announcement through a public post on Facebook.

"I actually spoke about this same particular subject at this year's Blizzard Art Summit," said Kindred. "That is, the willingness to face your fears and dare to step out of your comfort zone.

“I think that facing your fears head-on will result in many things that may come in the form of successes and failures and will inevitably help you gain the wisdom and skill to level up in a major way. So now is that time for me!"

Second Dinner has not yet announced what it is working on but said it will share more news in the coming months.