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Supercell’s Brawl Stars racks up $63m in its first month

Players spending up to $2m a day
Supercell’s Brawl Stars racks up $63m in its first month

Players have spent over $63 million on Supercell’s three-on-three shooter Brawl Stars since it left soft launch on December 12th.

That comes from Sensor Tower, which also reports that players have spent an average of nearly $2 million per day.

Supercell’s most recent addition to its portfolio fared best in the US, where it snagged $16.5 million in revenue (26 per cent of the total).

It has also, however, done quite well in the East, specifically in Japan and South Korea where it netted 15 and 12 per cent of its first-month revenue, respectively. 

The development may come as little surprise to many, though, as signs from the game’s soft launch pointed toward strong sales in Asia.

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Regarding popularity on each platform, Sensor Tower estimates that the revenue is an equal split between iOS and Android.

Brawl Stars was also the 15th highest grossing mobile game worldwide for December 2018, despite launching halfway through the month. It was also the most downloaded game overall and has remained among the top 20 grossing US iPhone games each day since its release.

Before December's global launch, Brawl Stars spent 544 days in soft launch. According to Supercell CEO Ilkka Paananen, the call to release it globally came from the developers themselves, which is an instance of the studio's developer-first approach that empowers games creators.