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Devcom 2019: “The best way to get a successful outcome of a publisher signing you is by letting them know your gaps”

Maximum Games CEO Christina Seelye details key elements of obtaining a publisher
Devcom 2019: “The best way to get a successful outcome of a publisher signing you is by letting them know your gaps”

Making a publisher aware of the areas where you lack knowledge warrants the best chance of securing a signing, according to Maximum Games founder and CEO Christina Seelye.

These details were shared by Seelye during her talk on ‘A New Era of Publishing: How to evaluate the services of a modern publisher and pitch your game’ at Devcom 2019.

The three core concepts that were highlighted during the talk were evaluating a game publisher’s services, publishing in the new digital landscape, and how to pitch to a publisher.

Marketing was the focal point during the evaluation section, with developers urged to research publishers and make sure the firm has lots of experience, so the company can analyse exactly what business model best fits the game appropriately

Multiplayer or live services

“If you are working on a game with multiplayer or live services, I cannot stress enough how important betas are,” said Seelye

The CEO of Maximum Games, which just launched its first mobile last month, then specified that all of this information was even more important when it comes to pitching to a mobile publisher, with the space “more competitive than ever”.

Understanding the mobile community was also discussed, with those pitching needing to make sure they understand the player base to have any chance of succeeding.

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