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Star Trek Timelines developer Disruptor Beam suffers layoffs

Estimated 10 employees let go
Star Trek Timelines developer Disruptor Beam suffers layoffs

Massachusetts-based developer Disruptor Beam has made several layoffs as it transitions away from games development.

As reported by Gamasutra, the studio let go an estimated 10 employees across its QA and art department, as well as its entire product team. Staff were informed of the decision on Friday March 6th, 2020.

This follows the company's sale of mobile RPG Star Trek Timelines to Tilting Point, which saw 19 former Disruptor Beam developers - including chief technology officer David Cham - leave to form a new studio, Wicked Realm Games, under the Tilting Point banner.


Tilting Point CEO Kevin Segalla and president Smai El Agili provided a joint statement saying that "Disruptor Beam made a decision to refocus its development efforts on their Disruptor Engine platform." has reached out to Disruptor Beam for comment regarding the layoffs.

Disruptor Beam CEO Jon Radoff spoke to us last year about his vision for the firm and how he wants the company to become the ‘Epic of live ops'.