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Gwent conjures on to Android devices

It was released on iOS last year
Gwent conjures on to Android devices

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game has launched on Android devices.

Those who have Android version 7.0 or later can download the game from the Google Play store. Thanks to crossplay, players can compete against both iOS and PC users.

Last month, the release date for Android devices was confirmed. However, the game was available on the App Store from October 2019.

Last September, it was confirmed that a team of 100 people were working on the card game. The title was revealed to be coming to mobile devices in March 2019.

A coin for your Witcher

Gwent Mobile accounted for 68 per cent of CD Projekt Red's revenue following its iOS release. However, the game was first introduced as a diversion in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt back in 2015 on PC and consoles.

Now valued at $8 billion, the Polish publisher is the second-biggest games company in Europe.
