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Amazon blocks and unblocks TikTok on employee devices

The reason for the ban is unknown
Amazon blocks and unblocks TikTok on employee devices

Retailer Amazon both blocked and unblocked TikTok on employee mobile devices in a matter of hours.

As reported by Reuters, the American firm claimed that blocking the app had been a mistake, although what caused the initial ban remains unknown. Reportedly, senior execs at Amazon were unaware that a removal request for the social platform had been submitted.

However, after discussions with a TikTok representative, the app was returned to employee devices. Concerns surrounding privacy and security have spread across the US as it investigates an alleged breach in the children's privacy agreement TikTok signed. As a result, the country will consider banning the Chinese app.

A concerning problem

Meanwhile, other companies, such as financial services firm Wells Fargo have insisted the app be removed from all employee phones.

"Due to concerns about TikTok's privacy and security controls and practices, and because corporate-owned devices should be used for company business only, we have directed those employees to remove the app from their devices," said Wells Fargo.

It is worth noting that the firm has not contacted the ByteDance-owned company in regards to the concerns it appears to have.

"We have not been contacted by Wells Fargo, but as with any organization that has concerns, we are open to engaging with them constructively and letting them know about the actions we have taken to protect data security for our users," a TikTok spokesman told Reuters in a statement.

Making changes

The primary concern that the US and companies have is that a Chinese firm owns TikTok. It is believed that the app could be feeding back private data to China. In an attempt to assuage the situation, ByteDance has opted to move TikTok's primary power away from the Asian country.

Last week, it was confirmed that the social media app would be leaving the Hong Kong market. TikTok made this decision based on the new national security law being enforced by China's government.