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GDC 2021 will be hybrid of physical and digital events

Will be held from July 19th to July 23rd
GDC 2021 will be hybrid of physical and digital events

The Game Developers Conference (GDC) will be both a physical and digital event when held in July 2021.

As announced via its website, the event itself will physically take place in San Francisco. However, there will be a range of offerings available digitally to cover all grounds, as the ongoing coronavirus pandemic continues to pose challenges.

Furthermore, next year's hybrid event will be the start of a new trend for GDC, as organisers explained that attendees would have the choice of physical or digital attendance annually. More information will be released in the near future.

Other offerings

Not only has the team behind the event confirmed plans for next year, but it also confirmed that some GDC virtual masterclasses would take place at the tail end of 2020.

"These masterclasses will be day-long and multi-day virtual workshops featuring deep-dive looks at particular aspects of the game development craft. GDC sibling website Gamasutra is also launching a series of editorially-led streaming talks from game development notables, to take place later this year, and providing more bite-sized looks at notable game development and business trends," said GDC staff.

Moreover, from March 1st to March 5th, 2021, a "GDC community celebration" week will be held. It will feature, talks, Q&As, interactive content and behind-the-scenes discussions on top-performing games from 2020.

GDC 2021 will take place from July 19th until July 23rd. Meanwhile, GDC Summer has come to a close; an all-digital event held following the conference's cancellation earlier this year.