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Former Blizzard co-founder Mike Morhaime founds new studio, Dreamhaven

"We believe in the power of gaming to bring people together"
Former Blizzard co-founder Mike Morhaime founds new studio, Dreamhaven

Blizzard Entertainment co-founder Mike Morhaime has founded a new games firm, Dreamhaven.

As reported by GamesBeat, the California-based company has already formed two new studios, Secret Door and Moonshot.

The latter will be headed up by Jason Chayes, Dustin Browder and Ben Thompson. Meanwhile, Secret Door will be led by Eric Dodds, Chris Sigaty and Alan Dabiri.

Morhaime will head up Dreamhaven as its CEO, while his wife Amy Morhaime will take on the head of operations role.

The couple worked at Blizzard until their departure in October 2018, Morhaime had been with the company since its formation in 1991.

As yet there are no details about what sort of games any of these companies will be working on, with both platform and genre up-for-grabs. 

New venture

So far, Dreamhaven has hired 27 members of staff, across all three outlets, and they are mostly former Blizzard employees.

"We're almost trying to create a haven for creators who want an environment that is development-friendly, values product, and player experience over short-term financial pressures," said Morhaime.

"We believe in the power of gaming to bring people together and as an escape of the unpleasant things that reality can bring. In that sense, it's a haven as well.

"We like the imagery of a lighthouse as a beacon, and that inspires us because we hope that Dreamhaven can be a beacon of hope to others in the industry who share our values and philosophies. There is a better way of approaching business and game creation that can work and be sustainable and be a lot of fun and yield positive results."