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Electronic Arts is pushing its mobile division forward with FIFA at the helm

It has "six new soccer mobile games in development for new genres and new markets"
Electronic Arts is pushing its mobile division forward with FIFA at the helm

Electronic Arts is geared up to use FIFA as a means to push its mobile division forwards.

In a call with investors, via, CEO Andrew Wilson explained that the publisher has "six new soccer mobile games in development for new genres and new markets."

Earlier this year, EA welcomed back Jeff Karp to head up its mobile division. Before returning to the company, Karp gained experience in the mobile space through positions at Zynga and Big Fish Games.

Shoot out

"[Karp] has a tremendous network out there in the mobile sphere," said Wilson.

"And there are a lot of great developers out there who have a lot of experience and expertise, but they do not have the IP to build their games around or the marketing muscle to really drive acquisition and what is becoming an increasingly competitive market."

Furthermore, EA is open to working with other companies "in the context of licensing or co-development or co-publishing, or in some cases, acquisition."

Earlier this year, Electronic Arts signed a deal with Nexon to bring FIFA Mobile to South Korea. The mobile title proved to be a hit as it racked up 1.2 million downloads within 24 hours of release.