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Google Stadia to begin public testing for iOS devices in the coming weeks

Via a progressive web application
Google Stadia to begin public testing for iOS devices in the coming weeks

Public testing for Google Stadia on iOS devices is set to begin in the coming weeks.

As the first step in the company's iOS progressive web application, Google will use the feedback of the Stadia playerbase to improve the service. Moreover, the company will test performance and add new features over time.

It has been notoriously difficult for companies such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook Gaming to get their instant games apps onto the App Store.

Apple claimed that apps such as Stadia were in breach of its policies. However, it has since revised its stance on streaming services for games, though it would require each title be submitted for review individually.

Google is not alone in looking at a web-based solution to bring Stadia to iOS consumers, as Microsoft looks to do the same thing with Project xCloud.

One year on

It has been a year to the day that Google launched its cloud gaming platform. In that time, the service has had more than 80 games added since release, with that number expected to exceed 135 by the end of the year.

Back in July, Google added 4G and 5G streaming support for its Android Stadia app. Moreover, as of June 2020, the application has been downloaded more than one million times.