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Italian antitrust authority fines Apple $12 million for "aggressive and misleading" iPhone practices

This is not the first time Apple has been accussed of bad practice
Italian antitrust authority fines Apple $12 million for

The Italian antitrust authority has fined tech behemoth Apple for "aggressive and misleading" iPhone practices.

As reported by Reuters, the regulator has given the iOS creator a fine of €10 million ($12 million).

The reason for the fine is that the tech firm misled customers through the advertisement of its iPhone. Apple claimed the hardware was waterproof, though failed to specify that this only applied in certain situations.

Furthermore, Italy's antitrust authority went on to say that Apple has deceived clients, mainly through its disclaimer, in which the company insists it will not cover any water damage.

Bad practice

Italy is not the first country to take issue with Apple and its practices. Last month, the US antitrust committee completed an investigation into not only the iOS creator but also Amazon, Facebook and Google for their "monopolistic" tendencies.

Furthermore, there is the ongoing legal battle between Apple and Epic, which has occurred after the former removed Fortnite from the App Store. However, the games giant has claimed the tech specialist is monopolistic and anti-competitive.

Moreover, the fight between the two has escalated beyond the US as Epic has sued Apple in Australia too.