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PGC Digital: Dimoso's Jacki Vause on bringing PR and UA together

"PR brings the added value you can't quite measure,"
PGC Digital: Dimoso's Jacki Vause on bringing PR and UA together

PR and user acquisition can often be lumped into the same role inside marketing, but in reality, they are two very different disciplines with varying goals.

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #5, Dimoso founder and CEO Jacki Vause discussed the main differences between PR and UA, their purpose, and how they can operate harmoniously.

Vause began by addressing some commons myths surrounding PR. These include the notion that PR is only useful for companies with a big budget, that PR needs an expert, and that PR isn't valuable unless there's a way to measure it. 

"Measuring user acquisition and performance marketing is all very scientific, but PR sits alongside that," Vause said, addressing the myth that all marketing needs to be measured by numbers.

"The games industry is a highly competitive space with very fickle players."

Another common occurrence is that PR can be skipped over completely because a company or person feels like they don't know how to do it. Vause dispelled this by explaining PR in a simple manner: "it's common sense - matching somebody's need to what you have to tell them".

Added value

Vause moved on to run through the impact of PR - results you can and can't measure. Games marketing is incredibly data-driven, but Vause assures there's value in both.

Measurable results include investor support, employment satisfaction and industry standing. These are things that can be tracked and put into numbers.

Results that are more difficult to quantify include feeling, perception, trust, and word of mouth. While these things are harder to keep an eye on, they're just as important to the overall marketing strategy. 

"Having your game talked about and referenced by the press makes you more credible as an organisation, and moves you up the food chain, and investors look for that," Vause added.

"Players like to feel part of the in-crowd, when you're working with the media, think about how your team feels, and how your players feel about playing your games."

Consistency of message 

Vause rounded up with some final notes on how to address PR effectively. She adds that it is an investment of time and thought rather than money. Moreover, while UA drives downloads, PR will drive brand value.

"PR brings the added value you can't quite measure," Vause concluded.

"Never underestimate the power of PR!"