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Epic takes fight with Google to Australia

The company is "seeking fair access and competition that will benefit consumers and developers"
Epic takes fight with Google to Australia

Publishing giant Epic Games has taken its fight with Google to Australia.

The court documents claim that the tech behemoth has a "near-monopoly" control on the market. As such, it has gone against both the Australian Consumer Law and the Competition and Consumer Act.

Epic has insisted that Google hinders other app developers from getting their apps onto Android devices unless they use Google Play.

Furthermore, the company pointed out that Google demonstrated monopolistic behaviour by forcing the use of its own payment system.

"This has led to harms including increased prices for in-app content by Android device users in Australia and lost profits for Epic," reads the filing.

Since last August, the Fortnite creator and Google have been at loggerheads after the tech firm removed the battle royale from its storefront.

Google, like Apple, made this decision after Fortnite received a new payment option, one that would prevent the two companies from taking their standard 30 per cent commission. As a result, Epic chose to sue the pair of them.

To be fair

In an accompanying statement, Epic explained that it was after fair competition for both itself and other app developers, which it has reiterated countless times before in its ongoing lawsuits.

"Epic is not seeking damages from Google or Apple, it is simply seeking fair access and competition that will benefit consumers and developers," reads the statement.

Epic CEO Tim Sweeney added: "Google gives the illusion of being open by making arguments about the presence of alternative app stores on its platform or allowing direct downloading of apps from third-party providers, but in reality, these situations are so rare that they barely make a dent in the monopoly of the Android OS.

"The barriers Google places on Android OS are real. In the case of direct downloading, it makes the process so difficult and scary that it deters users from downloading apps from third party-websites even though it is a totally normal way for users to get apps on a desktop.

"It's actions like this that illustrate Google is more interested in feigning openness than delivering choice to consumers. We believe consumers have the right to install apps from sources of their choosing, and developers have the right to compete in a fair marketplace."

Bad apple

Epic Games first filed against Apple in Australia back in November, and it was only a matter of time before it sought the same action with Google.

Furthermore, the Fortnite creator has taken its fight with the Alphabet-owned company to the UK, claiming "Google holds a dominant position in the Android app distribution market and the Android in-app payment processing market."

Given Epic has taken issue with Apple, Google did ask to have the two cases kept separated. More than that, the company also asked to have the case dismissed or pushed back to 2022. Both requests were denied.

However, Apple has bared the brunt of Epic's rampage. Not only has it filed lawsuits against the iOS creator in the UK, the US and Australia, but it has also taken its case to EU antitrust regulators.

In fact, the war between the two giant companies has seen an outsider be dragged into the fray, with Apple demanding information from PC behemoth Valve. The Steam owner was ordered to hand over four years worth of data by Judge Thomas S. Hixon.