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Pixel Federation generated $56 million in 2020, up 52%

Diggy's Adventure was top seller
Pixel Federation generated $56 million in 2020, up 52%

Slovakian mobile games developer Pixel Federation experienced a great financial year in 2020 as it generated €47 million ($56 million).

The figure represents a 52 per cent year-over-year increase from 2019, surpassing the company's expectations.

During the year, Pixel Federation saw its titles reach 24 million new players.

One such success is TrainStation, a game that has been on the market for 10 years yet still sees 400,000 monthly active users.

Moreover, TrainStation 2 was responsible for $14 million of total revenues for 2020.

As for Diggy's Adventure, the game continued to prove popular, generating $26 million.

No doubt Pixel Federation will hope to see further success, having entered the Chinese market with Diggy's Adventure earlier in 2021.

"2020 has no doubt been a very challenging year for everyone internationally, and we are so pleased that our games managed to provide a sense of togetherness and community during a time of extended isolation,' said Pixel Federation chief learning officer and co-founder Lucia Sickova.

"Our dedicated teams continued to work hard throughout the global upheaval, and we are eternally grateful to our community of players who continued supporting us, allowing us to continue creating for them.'

Pandemic aid

Last year, the world was faced with a global pandemic as the coronavirus spread far and wide.

As a result, many companies have suffered, though others, particularly in the games industry, saw an increase in player spending due to lockdown.

Meanwhile, some games organisations attempted to help fight the pandemic, be it through donations of money or protective equipment. Pixel Federation was one such company, as it set up Who will help Slovakia, a platform dedicated to providing protective equipment.

Over the course of the year, the initiative raised $1.7 million and donated PPE to more than 1,800 individuals.

"It was never a question of whether we could help out the country, but simply how," said Sickova.

"I am proud that everyone at Pixel Federation strove to play their part in fighting this pandemic."