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Kristian Segerstrale launches Game Founders for Climate 2021

Matching up to $500,000 in climate change funding
Kristian Segerstrale launches Game Founders for Climate 2021

Game entrepreneur Kristian Segerstrale has teamed up with other notable industry figures to launch Game Founders for Climate 2021.

It’s a match-funding organisation that will match donations - 1:1 up to $500,000 - to climate change initiatives.

The initiatives are:

  • Founders Pledge’s Climate Fund; a global community of entrepreneurs committed to finding and funding solutions to the world’s most pressing problem, and
  • SilverLining, which promotes research into upper atmosphere modelling, solar radiation management, marine cloud brightening and other “last resort” measure

Game Founders for Climate 2021 is also backed by Mikko Kodisoja (Supercell), Jussi Laakkonen (Unity) and Kevin Chou (Forte/Rally).

“2020 was a terrible year for most of the world; not so much for many of us lucky enough to work in computer games,” commented Segerstrale.

“So this year I’m launching Game Founders for Climate 2021 to enable those of us who have benefited from the rapid growth in games to give back to help combat the most important and urgent cause in the world - climate change.”

The matched-funding will run until 17 July or until the $1 million target - $500,000 donations and $500,000 match-funding - is met.

Everyone can donate at Game Founders for Climate 2021