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Learn from Facebook, Square Enix and App Annie at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8

Revealed: the final speakers for the leading mobile B2B games industry conference
Learn from Facebook, Square Enix and App Annie at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8

There’s just a few days to go until Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8 goes live and we can’t wait to reveal some more of the top games industry experts you could be learning from next week.

The leading series of B2B mobile games industry conferences returns for an eighth digital edition next week from September 27th to October 1st, with the team creating a star-studded line-up of speakers ready to share their insightful thoughts and learnings with you.

Each talk, panel, keynote and seminar is streamed live, recorded and made available on demand, so you can catch up on anything you may have missed at a more convenient time.

Our meeting platform is also live, meaning you can start to plan your meetings and bookmark which talks you want to see in your calendar so you don’t miss a thing.

We’ve already revealed some of the amazing speakers who are joining us next week, which you can view here, here and here.

With just a few days left to go, we’re excited to share the final set of speakers joining us for our eighth digital endeavour. Who will you be tuning in to watch live at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8?

L-R: Andre Noller, Stéphanie Bouchard, Mark Val, Zsuzsa James
L-R: Andre Noller, Stéphanie Bouchard, Mark Val, Zsuzsa James

Master the market and create an ideation process for your next hypercasual hit with Sunday game lead Andre Noller.

“Vincent Archambault presents an argument on how game development is currently moving towards more complexity, not less”

CrazyLabs head of publishing Shai Sasson shares how you can create hypercasual hits that cross over 100 million downloads.

If you’re a first time game developer, get practical tips on development from Stockholm Syndrome.AI CEO Stéphanie Bouchard and Denuvo by Irdeto team leader mobile Christian Koidl and a panel

“Mobile gaming is a rising market, but in all its brightness it casts some shadows in the shape of hacks,” says Denuvo by Irdeto software engineer Kurt Nistelberger, as he prepares to look at how cracked apps are created and what countermeasures can be taken.

Homa Games publishing lead Erwann Thebault presents the positive impact of A/B tests in five examples across five games.

Edgegap chief strategy officer Vincent Archambault presents an argument on how game development is currently moving towards more complexity, not less.

Photon Engine head of growth Mark Val hosts a superstar session on the secret sauce of multiplayer games, while also appearing alongside Playful CEO Paul Bettner on a fireside chat where they discuss how multiplayer is the power chat. Team17 programmer Guy Symonds walks through the process of architecting a multiplayer game.

L-R: Ed Perkins, Anna Kochetkova, Miikka Luotio, Claudia Trujillo
L-R: Ed Perkins, Anna Kochetkova, Miikka Luotio, Claudia Trujillo

The art of the deal and tackling iOS

Square Enix director of mobile publishing Ed Perkins joins us for a superstar session where he shares what you can expect from a publishing deal. Perkins also appears on a panel with Thunderful Games head of publishing Dieter Schoeller, Miniclip business development manager Zaair Hussain and Paladin Studios CEO Kay Gruenwoldt to discuss some of the best practices to deal with conflicts with publishers.

“Ed Perkins shares what you can expect from a publishing deal”

Graffiti Games CEO Alex Josef offers his thoughts and experiences on creating the perfect pitch deck.

Consulate General of Finland LA trade commissioner (video games and esports) Zsuzsa James looks to highlight what developers should consider when choosing the right investor with a panel.

Discover how a top gaming app publisher tackled iOS 14 and SKAdNetwork with Product Madness lead, growth marketing Piyush Mishra, CrazyLabs CTO Eran Heres and Pixel Federation head of marketing analytics Michal Prokop Grno.

What is the IDFA’s effect on user acquisition performance? Explore the new changes for app store optimisation with AppFollow head of consulting Anna Kochetkova, Helio Games executive director Pavel Naumenko, AppQuantum UA growth manager Alexey Gavrilov and AppsFlyer senior partner development manager Idan Horenczyk.

Discover the top strategies to get ready for iOS 15 with Gameloft ASO expert Claudia Trujillo.

Learn how to grow your mobile game beyond traditional platforms with Xsolla director of business development Europe Miikka Luotio.

L-R: Summer Liu, Jan Pollack, Karyna Tsvyrava, Dylan Umali
L-R: Summer Liu, Jan Pollack, Karyna Tsvyrava, Dylan Umali

Creating the perfect ad

SocialPeta overseas business development director Summer Liu analyses the key role of ad creatives in advertising games while offering tips on creative optimisation. AdInMo head of game design Nathan Ball shows you how you can design in-game ad placements.

Fyber senior director, direct agency sales and UA Elizabeth Gilmore and MobileGroove lead analyst and founder Peggy Anne Salz discuss how to get brands to advertise in your apps on a speed panel.

Bytro Labs online marketing manager David Westerman, Gameloft user acquisition director Paulo Esteves and Snappi CEO Jeff Jang discuss the secrets of designing the perfect game ad.

Wooga head of ad monetisation Jan Pollack is joined by HyprMX business development manager Dylan Umali for a fireside chat which looks at some of the best practices you can adopt for ad monetisation.

HypeFactory influencer marketing team lead Karyna Tsvyrava analyses why Twitch attracts brands, while presenting how you can run performance-oriented ad campaigns on the platform and why customised widgets work.

L-R: Yuthida Hun, Josh Yguado, Alia Lassal, Finbarr O'Mahony
L-R: Yuthida Hun, Josh Yguado, Alia Lassal, Finbarr O'Mahony

Boosting user acquisition and retention

Facebook Audience Network strategic partner managers Antonio Manuel Ribeiro and Yuthida Hun unite for a session showing you how you can balance your game’s monetisation mix for greater retention.

“Antonio Manuel Ribeiro and Yuthida Hun unite for a session showing you how you can balance your game’s monetisation mix for greater retention”

Pixel Noire Games game director Javier Barnes leads a focused session on designing your game for the best growth and retention.

Digitak senior sales and business development manager EMEA Christian Atack and Gamejam CEO Christian Calderon discuss how you can pick the ideal tactic for your target demographic in user acquisition and retention.

You could learn some creative and innovative ways to grow with user acquisition and retention techniques with Wooga senior user acquisition manager Alia Lassal, Lightneer senior product manager Tsahi Liberman and Kukouri Mobile Entertainment chief commercial officer Mikko Kähärä.

All eyes are on Jam City COO and president Josh Yguado as he discusses playing the content game in the great mobile consolidation on a fireside chat with our very own Chris James.

SuperScale CEO Ivan Trancik hosts a superstar session on the bridge between marketability testing and more than $100 million user acquisition spend, providing go-to-market strategies optimised for growth.

Facebook Gaming vertical strategy lead Finbarr O’Mahony shows you how you can prepare for the 2021 holiday season.

L-R: Skirmantas Januskas, Nina Ward, Morgan Tucker, Evelyn Mora
L-R: Skirmantas Januskas, Nina Ward, Morgan Tucker, Evelyn Mora

New horizons beyond mobile

Discover the state of play of blockchain gaming in 2021 with DappRadar CEO and co-founder Skirmantas Januskas. Januskas also features alongside Reality Gaming Group co-founder Tony Pearce and other experts on a panel where they look at how a successful blockchain game is different to a successful standard game.

“Kaveh Vahdat explores what an NFT games metaverse is and what it means for the games industry”

Learn all about the new trends in blockchain gaming, GameFi, with Blockchain Cuties co-founder and CEO Vladimir Tomko.

You’ve heard of the metaverse and NFTs, but what is an NFT games metaverse? RiseAngle CEO Kaveh Vahdat looks to explore what it is and what it means for the games industry. Lucid Sight CEO and co-founder Randy Saaf discusses all about building a community around NFT.

DappRadar CDO and co-founder Dunica Dragos and Wondr Gaming head of NFT Pascal Leblanc look beyond the hype of gaming NFTs with a panel.

We really can’t wait to hear from Roblox senior director of product for the social group Morgan Tucker as he conducts a superstar session focused on designing in the metaverse.

We are also excited to hear from Epic Games MetaHuman creator product manager Nina Ward as she features on a superstar panel discussing creating characters across music, games and beyond.

LEGO Ventures investor, EMEA Parin Shah discusses how cloud gaming and new platforms will change gaming with Kay Gruenwoldt and a panel of experts. Frogmind marketing lead Jarno Kallunki-Matto dedicates his session to arguing that games will eventually be created using phones instead of PCs.

L-R: Alastair Low, Kate Edwards, Junde Yu, Peggy Anne Salz
L-R: Alastair Low, Kate Edwards, Junde Yu, Peggy Anne Salz

Visions and values

Get ready for a session about the world of gaming from a dyslexics perspective. Lowtek Games director/creative lead Alastair Low explains how the misinformation caused him to try and help change the industry with their tool Dislectek and how they gained more knowledge of the accessibility space.

Geogrify/Global Game Jam CEO/executive director Kate Edwards discusses what challenges lie ahead as diversity and inclusion become ‘norms’.

Digital Village founder Evelyn Mora discusses how sustainability on the internet can be achieved. Tequila Works narrative director Angel Luis Sucasas Fernandez debates whether games are the new tools for relationship building with a panel.

And we can't wait to hear App Annie general manager of gaming Junde Yu share his expertise and knowledge with us at Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8.

Less than one week to go, book now

Join us for Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #8 next week and learn from the games industry’s finest. Book your ticket today.

We have a limited number of free tickets available for indie developers (apply here), jobseekers (apply here) and students (apply here).