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PG Connects London: a quick-fire green game jam

Mensah-Bonsu, Muntean, and Esteris' Green Live Ops panel prompts a lo-fi game jam
PG Connects London: a quick-fire green game jam

Something different than a regular panel write-up: the Green Live Ops panel, featuring Deborah Mensah-Bonsu, Games for Good, Roxanna Muntean, Ubisoft Future Games of London, and moderated by Jennifer Estaris, ustwo games, closed with an impromptu collective game jam where the audience workshopped ideas for green-ethos games and environmentally conscious live-ops.

Some of the most popular suggestions include:

  • A game where you play as a bee and help pollinate the farm you live in
  • Give plant-based recipes as rewards and incentives
  • A cooking/foraging game where you explore a forest, learn how to identify different edible and poisonous plants, and cook using these ingredients
  • I want a forest stadium for handheld 2D Rocket League, players can buy solar cars
  • Veganurary – but in games
  • A game helping sharks collect plastic bottles and trash from the deep ocean
  • In an MMO that involves cutting trees for crafting, ensure players must also plant new trees
  • A game where marine animals are introduced to food that grows on land: sharks eating chickens
  • A game where marine life gets together to stop overfishing
  • Reaching a collective goal: Pokémon GO teams catch Sudowoodos and Niantic will plant trees in real life
  • Achievement points for collecting food litter while on other missions
  • Makeover game with eco-friendly comestics, with brand partnerships

Sensing a fondness for sharks over humans in the Pocket Gamer Connects audience. And who are we to disgree.