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Joyride raises $14 million to launch Web3 platform for casual Unity developers

Launching Solitaire Blitz, Tennis Champs and more
Joyride raises $14 million to launch Web3 platform for casual Unity developers
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Mar 18, 2022 investment Joyride Games $14m

Web3 game creation platform Joyride Games has revealed that it has raised $14 million and follow-on financing in a seed round.

Bitkraft Ventures and SuperLayer were key investors, with other participants including Coinbase Ventures, Animoca Brands, Dapper Labs, Modern Times Group, Solana Ventures, Mirana Ventures, and other blockchain investors.

Joyride intends to offer independent Unity developers a platform with market-leading tools to build Web3 casual games, easily accessible regardless of a player’s familiarity with crypto. Its platform features analytics, marketing and live op capabilities, as well as token wallets and NFT asset management.

The funding will enable the launch of game projects built on the blockchain platform and will also allow Joyride to partner with game developers for future projects.

Three games inbound

The first games launching are Solitaire Blitz, NFT-based Tennis Champs, and an esports game with blockchain features.

"We envision an ecosystem full of Joyride-powered products. Our mission is to give creative developers the market-leading tools they need to build great Web3 games from the ground up," said Joyride founder and CEO Omar Siddiqui.

"Our team has been at the forefront of novel business models and ecosystems over the past decade, and we believe the potential of community-owned games, built around NFTs and token economies, is unmatched."

Bitkraft Ventures founding general partner Scott Rupp said: "The Joyride team brings decades of game development experience publishing top-grossing and award-winning games at companies including Disney. They have built a platform to power mobile games that will unlock the creative potential of the millions of Unity creators that want to build for the blockchain future but have been blocked by access to the expertise they need."

Finland-based Return Entertainment recently announced the raising of $6 million in a funding round led by Bitkraft Ventures.