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Supermodel Karlie Kloss partners with Roblox

The Fashion Klossette Designer Showcase profiles a team of designers in temporary pop-up shops within the metaverse platform
Supermodel Karlie Kloss partners with Roblox

Supermodel Karlie Kloss has partnered with Roblox and a team of designers to create five pop-up shops within the game, which will run until July 25.

Kloss has previously made her interest in digital fashion clear, citing her opinion that fashion designers and game designers share similar qualities, such as creativity and entrepreneurship. Kloss tasked designers with showcasing the low-stakes creativity and self-expression virtual fashion can afford.

“I understand why people are a little bit overwhelmed or confused by the metaverse, but the reality is, I believe we are already deeply immersed in kind of connecting and communicating in a virtual capacity,” said Kloss.

For the Fashion Klossette Designer Showcase, Kloss collaborated with five designers, including Samuel Jordan, AKA Builder Boy, who earned more than $1 million in 2021 from creating and selling items in game.

This collaboration is the latest in a long line of companies and individuals from all walks of life getting involved with the metaverse. In the fashion industry alone, companies such as Gucci, Vans, and Burberry have all entered the virtual space in one way or another. Kloss in particular sees the potential of the metaverse to be a game-changer for fashion designers due to the lower entry barriers.

Earlier this year, model Kate Moss also entered the metaverse as an avatar in fashion game Drest.