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GamesAid to host first charity gala event

The Games Industry Charity will be holding a special event to recognise fundraising efforts throughout the games industry and raise further donations.
GamesAid to host first charity gala event

GamesAid is a charity group founded in 2008 to promote events within the gaming industry on all tiers, and support various smaller groups under their umbrella. The group has reportedly raised £4m and distributed this to smaller charities since their inception. Now GamesAid will be hosting a black tie gala event to recognise the efforts of those in the industry and to raise even more for a variety of charities.

A fundraising gala is a social event held in order to raise awareness and encourage donations to a charity or umbrella group. Whilst it may seem to be a big party, usually the donations far outweigh what is spent on the event itself. This gala will be GamesAid’s first ever event of this scale, and will include awards to recognise those who’ve participated in fundraising events.

Big Night

GamesAid listed their supported charities for this event in their announcement post, which were voted on for the 2022/2023 period. “All the profits from the Gala will be distributed to the organisations that GamesAid supports: AFK: Working with Disabilities, Autistica, Lifelites, Solving Kids Cancer, The Clock Tower Sanctuary and Winston’s Wish.”

Groups such as GamesAid provide a vital avenue for those in the games industry to promote charities and use public recognition for a good cause. The group utilises a fully democratic structure, allowing member organisations to vote for which charities the money raised should go to.

GamesAid also demonstrates you don’t have to be a huge publisher or AAA developer to help promote a good cause. In-fact, Kwalee, one of the featured developers on our Top 50 Game Makers of 2022 list, were the winning participants in GamesAid’s Go Karting Championship on September the 15th, helping to raise over £11,000 for the GamesAid’s 2022/2023 selected charities.