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QYOU Media India to acquire controlling share in mobile gaming company

The deal between QYOU Media India and Maxamtech Digital Ventures provides a fascinating insight into the mobile gaming market of India.
QYOU Media India to acquire controlling share in mobile gaming company

According to a press release, the Indian branch of QYOU Media has moved to acquire a controlling stake in mobile games developer Maxamtech Digital Ventures. The deal provides a fascinating insight into the Indian mobile gaming market, on which we have reported previously. It’s not the first venture into the mobile market for QYOU either, and shows a broader move towards D2C (Direct-to-consumer) content in India.

Whilst QYOU’s main efforts have been in marketing their television channels via mobile, Maxamtech boasts a digital portfolio of dozens of games and has collaborated with numerous partners, including a key deal to work with telecoms operator Vodafone. The decision to acquire a controlling stake in Maxamtech indicates that QYOU intends to push its D2C efforts even further.


Earlier this year QYOU announced the creation of its QPLAY digital app, intended to offer its television channel content directly to consumers via mobile. The company mainly operates in India with its digital television channels and influencer marketing content. The decision to acquire Maxamtech is likely influenced by their prospectus of India’s growing mobile penetration, with millions of gamers counted among India’s constantly growing media audience.

QYOU has also demonstrated an understanding of the relationship between advertisers and content producers. Partnering earlier this month with the InPlay Cricket App and others for a cross-promotional marketing deal. The move to acquire Maxamtech could be to utilise their games catalogue and consolidate them into a QYOU branded app or perhaps another form of collaboration.

What’s clear is that this is another indication of the rapidly growing mobile market in India, covering both digital content and mobile games in particular. Given that QYOU has already boasted about tapping into growing markets with additions such as the Q Marathi channel for regional, Marathi language TV content in India, it’s no surprise they also see the potential in acquiring a stake in the mobile gaming market itself. QYOU has also made inroads into the esports and live gaming scene, with the upcoming QGameX channel which is intended to capitalise on the gaming influencer and content market.