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Netmarble's Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds sees seasonal holiday update

The mobile spin-off of the Miyazaki-inspired console games now sees a holiday-themed update for the winter period
Netmarble's Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds sees seasonal holiday update

The winter period is now firmly upon us so now is the time for the holidays to really hit gaming with big events, updates and more to grab the holiday audience. Mobile gaming is of course no different and numerous titles will now be bringing winter, Christmas and Lunar New Year themed events to grab player’s attention and spending.

Ni No Kuni: Cross Words, the mobile spin-off of the famous console game is now debuting its ‘The Wishing Tree Episode’ event starting today to celebrate the Xmas period.

The release lists some of the newest aspects “Players can don the new Silent Night Outfit & Hat or jump on Rudy, a new mount inspired by a certain red-nosed reindeer. Two new familiars also join the celebrations in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds; water element familiar Sage Raindeer and fire element familiar Dururu.

Additionally, the new Progress Reports lets players check out their Combat Power trends at a glance.” The game also boasts power-ups to progression, daily log-in bonuses and other typical incentives for new and returning players to check in.

Familiar aspects of the holidays

As we pointed out when we covered World of Tanks: Blitz holdiay event, this update also has many of the same hallmarks of the holiday and seasonal update. Bringing players in not just with mechanical aspects or bonuses, but also exclusive items and cosmetics for the holidays. By giving something unique that won’t be replicated at any other time it ensures that there’s going to be a significant portion of the player-base who return and stick around to get these new items.

Although they aren’t featuring anything as big as Hollywood stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Mila Jovovich, Netmarble will still be celebrating. Ni No Kuni earlier this month passed its 200 day anniversary, and as the holidays roll around it draws even closer to a one-year anniversary. With the game being one of Netmarble’s top-grossing games, seeing if it can keep that success going in the long-term will be something the South Korean developers are keeping an eye on.