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Nominations for the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards 2023 are live

Lobbying for the 22 categories – which for the first time will be open to industry-wide voting – closes on March 3rd
Nominations for the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards 2023 are live

It is our absolute pleasure to announce that the sixth edition of the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards, which this year opens its voting phase to the whole industry, will take place on April 20th 2023.

The nomination phase is live and submissions are now being accepted.

The awards shine the brightest of spotlights on the very best of our industry. Our task is to select the finalists that stand out from the thousands of games, teams, support, and associated services that kept this sector thriving throughout 2022.

Always keen to further involve those who work day in, day out in this industry, we've tweaked and tinkered with the format for 2023. We're still after your nominations across this year's 22 categories – anything released, actioned, and achieved that impressed, engrossed, astounded, or humbled you is ideal candidate material!

And this year we've updated a handful of categories (highlighted in the list below) and included a couple of new entries to better reflect our ever-changing industry. We've also opened up submissions for the Rising Star award – previously that process was handled by the awards selection committee.

The most notable revision, however, is that once the finalists are decided, we're also going to ask you to vote for the winners. This is the first time we've opened up the voting to the industry beyond our traditional panel of selected judges, and we consider it one way of ensuring the entire process is more inclusive. Full details on how, where, and when once we get to that stage.

For now, first things first: no-one can win if they're not in – so get nominating!

How do you nominate?

Head to the Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards website and fill in the form for the relevant awards you'd like to lobby for.

You can nominate your own or another company's efforts that you think should be considered.

Nominations close on March 3rd

This year's 22 awards are:

  1. Pocket Gamer People's Choice
  2. Best Advertising & UA Service
  3. Best Analytics/Data Tool
  4. Best Developer
  5. Best GAAS Tools & Tech
  6. Best Audio/Visual Accomplishment
  7. Best Game Engine/Platform [revised for 2023]
  8. Best Storytelling
  9. Rising Star
  10. Best Tools Provider
  11. Best Service Provider
  12. Best Live Ops
  13. Best QA & Localisation Service Provider
  14. Best Indie Developer
  15. Best PR/Marketing Team
  16. Best Alternative App Store [revised for 2023]
  17. Investment Fund of the Year [revised for 2023]
  18. Best Publisher
  19. Most Promising AI Games Tech [new for 2023]
  20. Most Impactful Web3 Company [new for 2023]
  21. Game of the Year
  22. Mobile Legend

Are you eligible?

If you’re in the games industry, you can nominate (visit to lobby). Just remember that your picks must relate to content or achievements produced during 2022 (with the exception of a couple of awards – which point this out within their description).

The Pocket Gamer Mobile Games Awards are open for submissions until midnight on Friday March 3rd.

The awards ceremony takes place at BAFTA 195 Piccadilly, London, on April 20th – tickets will be available soon.

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