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Mobvista launches new XMP platform for cross-channel monitoring

The dashboard lets developers track multiple analytics for their campaigns
Mobvista launches new XMP platform for cross-channel monitoring

Mobile advertising and analytics company Mobvista have launched a new streamlined cross-channel dashboard called XMP for automatically tracking analytics in advertising campaigns across multiple channels.

The tool is designed to allow mobile developers and publishers to track multiple analytics, including ROAS, LTV and retention with 24/7 automatic monitoring. It will allow developers to track analytics on multiple platforms including major channels like Google, Meta and TikTok, as well as SDK Ad networks such as Mintegral, Applovin and Unity Ads. XMP claims that their customers can see up to a 70% decrease in ad creation time and reduction in creative management time by up to 95%.

Head of growth team at Supercent, a mobile game developer and publisher utilising XMP, Zidan Tang said, “XMP has been a game changer for our SDK ad network management. XMP makes it easier to manage many sub-channels more efficiently, for example, multiple sub-channels from Mintegral, all in one place. This has saved us time and effort while also improving our overall campaign performance.”

Advertising automatics

With the growth of channels through which mobile developers and publishers advertise, it’s unsurprising that Mobvista is the latest company to throw their hat into the ring when it comes to tracking analytics. Other companies have begun innovating and partnering in order to beat the saturation of the ad market, although the industry took a major hit with the changes to IDFA at Apple.

While the changes to IDFA, or the “Adpocalypse” as some came to call it, were catastrophic in the short-term, in the long-term they seem to have encouraged a new wealth of creative business solutions. Mobvista’s new dashboard is just one of many examples where companies are picking up the slack in helping developers and publishers cope with a brand new wave of advertising opportunities and problems seeking solutions.