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Tencent pushes “Tech for good” in latest ESG report

The company's environmental, social and governance report highlights their 2022 achievements
Tencent pushes “Tech for good” in latest ESG report

A new internal report shows that Tencent remains firmly focused on their “Tech for good” goals in meeting the requirements of environmental, social and governance goals.

The company released its ESG report for 2022, focusing on their achievements in environmental, social and governance excellence throughout the year. Such reports are a chance for companies to offer up examples of the benefits they offer the wider world, and also give an insight into how they integrate it into their day-to-day business operations. This includes reports on efforts into carbon neutrality, helping employees with cost of living and creation of “A healthy content ecosystem.”

In particular the report cites achievements made with their work in mobile game development. “Carbon Island, an interactive simulation game, allows players to become familiar with climate change as well as learn how to balance sustainable and economic growth. Carbon Island has been awarded the First to Implement award from the United Nations Environment Programme’s Green Game Jam Award for two consecutive years.”

The importance of ESG

While on the surface the ESG report is of course a net positive gain for all aspects of the environment and promoting corporate social responsibility, such as DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), it also serves a dual purpose of letting companies like Tencent prove their stature to the business community and thereby encourage other companys to pursue similar endeavours.

Given the rocky time had by Tencent with regards to their gaming holdings, it will be important for them to tout victory elsewhere, such as in the achievements made by titles such as Carbon Island in fields such as ESG

Another important company that used ESG to address previous concerns was of course Activision-Blizzard. After numerous controversies over allegations of workplace harassment and union-busting, they were quick to point out great strides made in DEI, although notably mobile game wing King had the best marks in the triumvirate.