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Devcom 2023: Day One

Welcome to Cologne, Germany, and one of the world’s, biggest gaming events.
Devcom 2023: Day One

All this week we’re in Cologne, the historic German city, exploring one of Germany, and the world's biggest gaming events - Devcom 2023.

Devcom is an industry show that brings together game makers and allied industries from across the world, on all platforms, in one place. It is, of course, followed by Gamescom, the consumer show that shows off all the big games and usually lands all the big coverage. But don’t underestimate Devcom itself for the wealth of insight and behind-the-scenes knowhow that lurks around every corner at Congress-Centrum Ost Koelnmesse.

Here’s a brief overview of how Devcom 2023 is shaping up so far.

What’s the atmosphere?

With Devcom definitely back after a brief hiatus during the Covid-19 pandemic there’s now a bigger focus on hybrid attendance with plenty of video presentations and many, many hand sanitiser stations. The general focus on a safer event is all around us showing how Devcom 2023 has adapted.

And if you were in any doubt about where you were the event is taking place, this year the goody-bags are sponsored by Farming Simulator superstar Giants Software, who’ve firmly established themselves as one of the Germany’s biggest developers. With a none-too-subtle boast about their work with the EU, John Deere and EIT Food on their DLC, their message to promote and highlight sustainable farming practices is unmissable.

And if you’re like us and arrived early you’ll not only have watched the early morning sun rising over Cologne, but had a chance to wander the floor before the crowds arrive. If you were sceptical about Devcom’s importance, the absolute vastness of the building and the number of booths on offer will be enough to convince you otherwise.

Where can I watch?

If you’re not here in-person there’s still time to attend online. Although you’ll miss out on the parties and in-person networking, you can still watch some of the incredible speakers that’re attending this year.

It’s a wonder how Devcom has packed so much into just two days!

What’s on the floor?

If you’re like us and decided to grab an early tram in, you’ve probably made a good move that guarantees you a good seat at one of the keynote pieces (watch out for our coverage of The Psychology of Play: The Power of Understanding Your Players, the inaugural keynote).

And if the hustle and bustle gets too much, Xbox sponsors this year’s “Silent Room” where you can get away from the noise, but still keep up with live streams later during GDC23. It’s one of many ways that the conference - which can get quite hectic and overwhelming even for seasoned event-goers - is trying to alleviate the stress and hassle of attending a show that’s easy to get lost in.

If you’re a fitness fanatic, there’s also the Devcom run club, starting at 08:00 each day, and whoever does that probably deserves a PGC Top 50 award themselves. Speaking of which, did we mention that we’ll also be announcing our Top 50 Game Makers of 2023 on Tuesday? Well, keep your eye out. You can find last year’s winners here, and start wondering who’ll make the cut in 2023.

Full article and Top 50 2023 announcement feature on the way…

We’ll be bringing you coverage of Devcom, from meetings to keynotes and more, as it happens, And when the dust settles on Devcom we’ll be seamlessly slipping into all the big news from Gamescom. Keep it and enjoy the show!