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Level up your game: Top 5 New Year's resolutions for success in the games industry

Elevate your game in the New Year with these top five resolutions for success in the dynamic world of the games sector
Level up your game: Top 5 New Year's resolutions for success in the games industry

We know it's been a tough year to say the least for many in the games industry. But as we embark on a new year, the sector still offers exciting opportunities for professionals looking to make their mark.

To help you make the most out of your journey in this field, here are five resolutions to guide you towards successful and fulfilling career progression in 2024.

1. Make 10 Meaningful Connections in January

One of the most valuable assets in the games industry is a robust network, and you can expand your professional connections greatly by actively participating in industry events and conferences. A great place to start is by kicking off the new year with the UK's best games industry event at Pocket Gamer Connects London, which takes place on January 22nd and 23rd.

Attend meet-and-greet sessions, join panel discussions, and engage in conversations with peers and industry leaders. Book your ticket now and you’ll have instant access to MeetToMatch, the meetings platform available to all attendees. Set yourself a target of scheduling 10 meetings with new industry connections and see what doors could open for you as a result!

Additionally, leverage the power of social media to connect with like-minded professionals.
Join industry-specific groups on platforms such as LinkedIn and X (Twitter) to stay informed about the latest trends and connect with potential collaborators. Building strong relationships within the industry not only opens doors to new opportunities but also provides a support system that can be invaluable throughout your career.

2. Achieve work-life balance - without even trying

In the fast-paced world of game development, it's crucial to strike a balance between work and personal life.

Make it a resolution to prioritise your well-being by taking breaks when needed and making the most of your time off.

Reward your hard work when attending key industry events and consider attending the informal networking opportunities in the evenings. Such as PGC London this month which has its famously relaxed Ping Pong Party exclusively for attendees on the evening of day 1 of the conference.

If you’re travelling for business or working on location, seize the opportunity to explore new places, hit the tourist hotspots and see the sights or immerse yourself in the local culture, engage in activities that bring you joy. Many event websites will have information on key attractions and hidden gems to help you find your way around new places.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance not only enhances your overall happiness but also contributes to increased productivity and creativity when you're on the clock.

3. Walk your career path: Utilise industry-specific opportunities

To navigate the intricate landscape of the games industry, resolution number three is to walk your career path intentionally. Explore specialised platforms and events tailored to professionals in the games sector to help you actively pursue your goals.

Attend events like PG Connects London, where the Careers Zone is supported by a partnership with Games Factory Talent, which lists thousands of games industry talents in its platform and works with over 50 clients. Here you can connect with potential employers who are actively recruiting and get expert advice on your CV or LinkedIn profile

These platforms offer a unique chance to interact with industry experts, discover emerging trends, and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving landscape.

4. Keep updated: Stay informed through industry insights

In an industry that evolves at breakneck speed, staying informed is key. Keep yourself updated on the latest industry trends, technologies, and discussions by following podcasts, YouTube channels, media websites and other informative platforms that provide valuable insights.

Platforms like's YouTube channel offer talks and panels from conferences, the latest breaking news and interviews on the PGbiz website, and chats with industry leaders on the Podcast. Regularly consuming such content not only broadens your knowledge base but also positions you as an informed and engaged professional within the gaming community.

5. Embrace lifelong learning: Invest in your professional growth

As a bonus resolution, make 2024 the year you fully embrace lifelong learning. The games industry is dynamic, with new technologies and methodologies constantly emerging. Commit to continuously upgrading your skills through workshops, online courses, and certifications.

This proactive approach not only enhances your professional value, but also ensures that you remain adaptable and well-equipped to tackle the challenges of an ever-evolving sector.

By incorporating these five resolutions into your professional journey, you'll be well-positioned to thrive in the vibrant and competitive landscape of the games industry.

Embrace the opportunities that come your way, foster meaningful connections, and stay informed to level up your career in 2024 and beyond.