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Esports Insider and Benzinga writer Crystal Mills discusses new channels for influencers

"It's constantly changing and evolving"
Esports Insider and Benzinga writer Crystal Mills discusses new channels for influencers

Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki Digital 2020 will take place from September 14th to 18th, 2020. To give you a taste of what to expect, we'll regularly be publishing interviews with the speakers at the show.

For more details on PGC Helsinki Digital and to book a ticket, head to the website here.

In this speaker spotlight, we caught up with Benzinga esports writer, Esports Insider freelance journalist, and podcast host Crystal Mills, who has also worked with OpTic Gaming, theScore, The Loadout, and DualShockers. As a Women in Games Ambassador, Mills hopes to spread a message of equality and inclusivity in the esports industry through her writing, Twitch stream, and podcast Power Level.

Mills will appear alongside other on a panel discussing: "What are the New Channels for Influencer". Tell us a bit about your Benzinga.

Crystal Mills: Benzinga is a financial media company that consolidates all news circulating through the financial world. We act as the "one-stop-shop" for investors of all stripes and styles". Now, the company is diving into esports and the games industry.

What does your role entail?

I am helping to build Benzinga's esports vertical by writing and editing esports-related content, creating relationships in the industry, as well as providing interviews and exclusives with prominent esports figures and professionals.

Why did you want to work in the games industry?

I grew up playing video games, with The Legend of Zelda being the first series I fell in love with and everything sort of snowballed from there. In 2011, I decided to combine my love of writing and games together. My dive into Call of Duty led me to the esports universe and I've been at home here ever since.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to get into it?

Start creating content and build a portfolio! Try to pinpoint exactly what you want to do in the industry and then make your skills work toward that. Everyone wants to be in esports, but not many people know what they specifically want to do.

What are your thoughts on the industry in the last 12 months?

It's constantly changing and evolving, and that's one of the reasons why I love this industry so much. Covid-19 made the industry prove just how resilient it is as events turned into digital marathons.

We've found common ground with the traditional sports industry, and we're bridging connections that didn't really exist before. It has been a huge opportunity for education. Streaming is becoming more of a mainstream source of entertainment and content creating has never been more valuable.

Which part of the Connects event are you most looking forward to and why?

I love listening to panels and hearing a genuine conversation between professionals. Everyone has so much knowledge to share.