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Can Finland still be a powerful force in the mobile games market?

Oscar Clark leads a panel to find out
Can Finland still be a powerful force in the mobile games market?

At Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016,  Oscar Clark led a panel of Finnish industry members in a discussion on whether Finland can still deliver in the mobile space.

Joining him were;

Lasse Seppanen, CEO of PlayRaven;
Jukka Hilvonen, CMO of Seepia Games;
Olesja Marjalaakso, Founder and CEO of Appstar Oy, and;
Samuli Syvähuoko, Co-Founder and Partner at Sisu Game Ventures

Lower your sights

"I focus on the top 100 or the top 200," said Syvähuoko, pointing out that while the top ten games might be stagnant, the other places in the grossing charts still generate a lot of money for developers.

"It's still possible to break through," suggested Seppanen, pointing to Fallout Shelter as a game that appeared out of nowhere and became a huge success.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 in this YouTube playlist.

Pocket Gamer Connects returns to London on January 16th and 17th. You can find details about the event and book your tickets here.