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What were the mobile gaming fads and trends of 2016?

Oscar Clark finds out
What were the mobile gaming fads and trends of 2016?

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016, Oscar Clark led a panel of industry experts in a discussion on the mobile gaming fads and trends of 2016.

Joining him were;

Mike Hines, Developer Evangelist at Amazon;
David Mohr, General Manager Europe at Gamevil;
Jana Palm, Project Manager at Stugan, and;
Johanna Nylander, Policy Affairs at Swedish Games Industry.

Why, Oscar?

The topic of procedural design caused Hines to ask "why this Oscar?" before explaining the benefits and detriments to using procedural generation compared to crafting levels by hand.

On the topic of "rock bands in games", as in the case of Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast, Mohr expressed concerns that it was a fad that Kanye West would swoop in on and cause "the App Store to implode".


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 in this YouTube playlist.

Pocket Gamer Connects returns to London on January 16th and 17th. You can find details about the event and book your tickets here.