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Priori Data on what market trends and app store evolution means for indies

Anders Lykke breaks it down by the numbers
Priori Data on what market trends and app store evolution means for indies

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016, Anders Lykke, Head of Sales & Developer Relations at Priori Data, gave a talk on what market trends mean for indies.

"The good news is that you're in the right industry," started Lykke, pointing out that mobile games is "fuelling a new economy within the industry" that is growing faster than other gaming platforms.

The rich get richer

However, he also showed that the top 100 companies in the App Store command 60% of the overall revenue – a worrying statistic given that there are 500,000 companies on the App Store.

The problem that indies face, suggested Lykke, isn't that they don't get ranked highly in the stores, but that they don't stay in those ranks - 90% of new games drop out of top 200 grossing chart after their first week of release.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 in this YouTube playlist.