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Tommy Palm on how to design games for mobile VR

Tips and tricks to improve your game
Tommy Palm on how to design games for mobile VR

At Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016, Tommy Palm, Founder and CEO of Resolution Games, gave a talk on some key tips for developing for mobile VR.

"If you look at what VR really is, it's about trying to trick the brain into thinking this world is a new reality," he said, noting that as a game developer you don't really need to worry about the hows and whys of VR so long as your game can perform at the required specifications.

Steady on

Moving onto design tricks, Palm stressed that you should not move the camera without the player's input, saying "you can very easily become cybersick when you're being moved around".

He also said that "dark scenes tend to be more convincing than bright scenes", and that they always use less power to render and therefore put less strain on the hardware.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 in this YouTube playlist.