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Apple no longer serving iAd in apps aimed at kids

Advertisers keen to avoid empty click throughs
Apple no longer serving iAd in apps aimed at kids

As is usually the case with Apple, news that the firm has embarked on what is a change to its rules has come not via an official statement, but instead a series of reports and rumours.

The latest suggestion is that Apple's iAd platform is now no longer serving ads to apps aimed at children, owing to concerns by advertisers that their campaign dollars are being wasted.

Leave those kids alone

Suspicions were first raised when one developer realised their iAd fill rate had dropped from an admittedly low 5 percent to a non-existent 0 percent.

After querying the drop, Michael Zornek the man behind Pokémon browser Dex - was then informed via email that Apple: "periodically review the apps in the iAd network to ensure that all apps receiving are aligned with the needs of our advertisers".

Dex, in Apple's view, is far too kiddie orientated.

"Currently, our advertisers prefer that their advertising not appear in applications that are targeted for users that are young children, since their products are not targeted at that audience," Zornek was told.

Sharp shift

In short, reacting to concerns that click throughs from children are essentially meaningless, Apple looks to be restricting the delivery of ads through iAd to apps aimed at a younger audience.

It's a significant change in approach, given the overwhelming number of titles pitched at a younger audience on the App Store.

However, what will likely aggravate most studios is that those concerned have been given no warning, instead only discovering that their titles are out of favour if they query a drop off in fill rates.

It's a move that could impact on scores of businesses making a living off iOS, yet there's been no official statement or declaration of a change in iAd policy.

Apple's apparent re-evaluation of its iAd business follows similarly unannounced changes to its App Store raking algorithm, and a block on incentivisation schemes.

[source: MacStories]