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Mobile ad platform Tap.Me taps up Rockfish Brand Ventures in fresh funding round

Two firms sign partnership
Mobile ad platform Tap.Me taps up Rockfish Brand Ventures in fresh funding round

Though no numbers have been mentioned, mobile advertising start-up Tap.Me's latest round of funding included an investment from Rockfish Brand Ventures the newly formed VC arm of digital innovation specialist Rockfish.

The two parties are also set to expand on their newly formed relationship, with Tap.Me securing an agreement that will allow the firm to consult Rockfish's executives for guidance as its business moves forward.

Playing with ads

"The Rockfish Brand Ventures team brings us more than financial backing, but crucial knowledge of the digital space that is literally priceless," said Tap.Me CEO Joshua Hernandez.

"Their collaboration with our team has given us insight into the mobile space that, partnered with our development experience, will make Tap.Me the next evolution in mobile advertising."

Tap.Me, which began life as a development studio, aims to shake up the mobile ad market by allowing brands to "add value to games as alternative to the invasive and interruptive forms of advertising today".

In essence, the company looks to combine gameplay with advertising, rather than leaving the two as separate, often ill-fitting, entities. Players are never taken out of the game, but instead recognised for their achievements with in-game and real world rewards.

Funding first

It's an approach that resulted in the firm being Rockfish Bradn Venture's first investment.

"Rockfish has long been on the bleeding edge of digital innovation since we began, and we see Tap.Me as a great opportunity to continue building our capabilities in that market," said Rockfish founder and CEO Kenny Tomlin.

"We're excited to work with the Tap.Me team and offer our digital expertise to their already impressive platform."

The funding round also included previous investors Bullet Time Ventures, the i2A Fund and Hyde Park Angels.