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Microsoft rolls out web-based Windows Phone Marketplace

11 months late better than never
Microsoft rolls out web-based Windows Phone Marketplace

Though Microsoft has an entire family of websites devoted to its Windows Phone business, the one area missing from its make-up was a web presence for the platform's Marketplace.

11 months after the OS first hit handsets, however, Microsoft has finally righted that particular wrong, launching a web version of Windows Phone Marketplace browsable by all [link].

Window on the web

As well as letting you search for or, in Microsoft speak, 'discover' apps from across its 30,000 strong library (at the last count), you can also read full descriptions and view screenshots of each and every title on offer, as well as browse by one of two categories: games, and all other apps.

And, should you already have a Zune account, you can even purchase apps from the web itself.

Once you're signed in, you can then click on an app's buy icon. The store then sends you an email detailing download instructions to your Live email address.

Moving on Mango

Interestingly, Marketplace on the web also plays host to a number of apps readied for the roll out of the next version of Windows Phone, dubbed Mango.

Said apps which include free messaging tool WhatsApp cannot yet be downloaded, or even viewed, on the handsets themselves.

Mango is expected to begin hitting handsets this October.