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Nokia completes Symbian's handover to Accenture

2,300 jobs transferred
Nokia completes Symbian's handover to Accenture

Announced back in June, Nokia has confirmed its involvement in Symbian's development has now come to a end, passing over responsibility for the platform's future to technology consulting and outsourcing specialist Accenture.

As a result of the deal which officially runs until 2016 more than 2,300 employees will now transfer from Nokia to Accenture.

Making Symbian stick

"Our collaboration with Accenture allows us to meet our ongoing commitment to support our Symbian smartphone customers and continue to leverage the talent that has the deepest experience on the platform," said Jo Harlow, executive vice president for smart devices at Nokia at the time.

"As we move our primary smartphone platform to Windows Phone, we will look to explore potential opportunities to tap this talent pool as they develop and expand their knowledge and capabilities beyond Symbian."

The move comes as a result of Nokia's strategic alignment with Microsoft, which will see Windows Phone form the focus of the Finnish firm's smartphone output moving forward.

Nokia has also recently revealed the transition will result in the axing of around 10,000 jobs in total.

[source: Nokia]