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3.7 million Android devices activated over Christmas weekend, tweets Andy Rubin

Normal rate would be 1.4 million
3.7 million Android devices activated over Christmas weekend, tweets Andy Rubin

Sub-contextualising analytics from Flurry - which tracked 6.8 million new iOS and Android devices activated on 25 December - Google has gotten in on the act.

Slightly less structured in delivery, Andy Rubin, Google's head of Android, announced on Google+ and Twitter that the platform saw 3.7 million device activations over the Christmas weekend (24-25 Dec).

Previously, he had tweeted that Android's average daily activation rate, by mid-December, was 700,000 devices.

Balancing act

Another app analytics company Localytics didn't break out absolute figures, but said it saw a 12-fold increase in Android device activations over the Christmas weekend; this was extrapolated from its iOS and Android footprint, which has apps installed on 200 million devices.

It saw the biggest jump in activations of iPod touches, up 21-fold compared to 14-fold for iPhones, and 12.5-fold for all iOS devices.

Clearly there's not a comparable Android product to the iPod, and aside from Amazon's Kindle Fire, which is selling well, there's no successful Android tablet either, making it likely that Apple devices would have made up a majority of Flurry's total.