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Rumour: Apple poaches Adobe VP Todd Teresi to head up iAd

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Rumour: Apple poaches Adobe VP Todd Teresi to head up iAd

Business Insider is reporting Apple has managed to nab Adobe executive Todd Teresi to serve as the new head of the firm's iAd platform.

Citing a report by Bloomberg currently not online, but spotted "through a terminal" by a Business Insider writer the site claims Teresi will now take charge of Apple's advertising venture.

Slot to fill

Teresi, who is currently VP and GM of media solutions at Adobe, previously served as chief revenue officer at Quantcast.

He's also held the position of SVP at Yahoo!.

News of his supposed move comes five months after previous iAd chief Andy Miller stepped down to become a venture capitalist, with Apple having left the position open.

Both Apple and Adobe are yet to comment on Teresi's rumoured move.

[source: Business Insider]