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Flurry estimates holiday season was first 'power week' with more than one billion apps downloaded

Plus more than 20 million iOS/Android devices activated
Flurry estimates holiday season was first 'power week' with more than one billion apps downloaded

Following up from its 6.8 million device activations estimate on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, analytics company Flurry has released its figures for the last week of 2011.

Labelled it the 'holiday power week', Flurry reckons 1.2 billion apps were downloaded onto iOS and Android devices.

In addition, the week saw over 20 million devices activated.

Canada, oh Canada

In terms of geographical spread, as you'd expect, the biggest uplift occured from countries that had national holidays during this period.

In this way, historically Christian countries such as the US, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Italy, Spain and Mexico over-indexed Asian countries such as China, South Korea and Japan.

The best example was Canada, which is ranked eighth largest in terms of iOS and Android global device install base, but which ranked fourth largest for downloads during the holiday week.

The largest market was the US, which accounted for 43 percent of app downloads. Flurry says that's inline with its estimated 41 percent of the global install base.

In terms of how accurate these statistics are, Flurry reckons it can detect over 90 percent of new devices activated as its analytics are embedded in more than 20 percent of the apps downloaded daily for iOS and Android.

[source: Flurry]