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Glu sues Hothead, Com2uS and Gamevil's sales explode, and Zuckerburg will measure Oculus' success in millions sold

The past 7 days in bite-sized portions
Glu sues Hothead, Com2uS and Gamevil's sales explode, and Zuckerburg will measure Oculus' success in millions sold

As we wave goodbye to another week, and prepare to lay waste to the weekend ahead, you're probably thinking one thing, and one things only: I can't wait to clap eyes on's beautiful Week That Was. 

Well, we hear you, and this week there's plenty to sink your teeth into. 

As always, there was controversy aplenty, with Kim Kardashian: Hollywood developer Glu revealing it plans on sueing Hothead Games for copying Deer Hunter 2014, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg explaining the company wouldn't consider Oculus Rift meaningful unless it surpass 50 million sales. 

While Zuckerberg was anticpating sales, other companies were announcing them. Candy Crush Saga developer King revealed its Q3 sales had fallen by 13 percent, to $514 million, while Goodgame Studios was crowned Germany's fastest growing tech company after sales rose by 28,000% in 5 years.

As always, there's plenty more news in the sea, so take a seat, and bathe in the soft, fuzzy glow of our Week That Was. 

Industry voices

User acquisition, retention, and discovery

Tools & Platforms

  • Midverse Studios, a services outfit founded by TapJoy creators Rizwan Virk and Mitch Liu, revealed its new mobile games initiative, Invest+Publish.
  • Paymentwall looked to monetise smart TVs by giving consumers a huge array of payment options. 
  • Unity Asset Store heading for 1 million users.
  • Microsoft joined the wearable battle with its notification and fitness-friendly Band.


  • As sales rise by 28,000% in 5 years, Goodgame Studios is crowned German's fastest growing tech company.
  • Despite the strength of 'non-Candy Crush Saga business', King saw FY14 Q3 sales drop 13% to $514 million.
  • With FY14 Q3 revenue rising by 28%, Gamevil looks to break $100 million mark for 2014.  
  • Our chart of the week revealed that everywhere is a boomtown for Com2uS, but especially Europe and Asia.
  • Have the soccer-mad countries of the world embraced FIFA 15 Ultimate Team? We found out in our latest Charticle

Funding, acquisitions, personnel and shuttering
