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The good, the great and the ugly: Com2uS, Gamevil, Zynga and King announces 2014 financials

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The good, the great and the ugly: Com2uS, Gamevil, Zynga and King announces 2014 financials

As happens four times a year, this week has been dominated by numbers, financial numbers.

It's been a particularly important time in this respect as in many cases, the quarter companies are reporting is their Q4, so hence they are reporting their entire 2014 financials.

For many - such as Korean companies Gamevil and Com2uS - those numbers have been good, very good.

For others - such as Zynga - they have been the opposite, while for the likes of King, the headline figures are good, although looking behind those numbers demonstrates some significant trends in terms of how the business is changing.

Industry voices


Plenty of companies were announcing their 2014 financials, including...

Discovery, user acquisition, retention, and monetisation

Funding, acquisitions, personnel and shuttering
