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Supercell's $1.7 billion sales, 242 industry jobs, and how will Nintendo monetise?

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Supercell's $1.7 billion sales, 242 industry jobs, and how will Nintendo monetise?

The Nintendo-DeNA partnership may be old news by this stage, but its ripples are going to be felt in the industry for a long while to come - especially while we're still in the dark as to what comes next.

As such, there was still plenty of Nintendo chatter on the site this week.

We covered the booming share prices of both firms in the aftermath of the partnership, as well as having our Mavens speculate on the monetisation of a Nintendo-made mobile game.

Also around the site, we spoke to Rami Ismail about the "exploitative" state of F2P, quizzed Kumobius about the making of Bean Dreams, and highlighted the best job opportunities in the industry.

Industry voices

Discovery, user acquisition, retention, and monetisation

Tools & platforms

Funding, deals, acquisitions and personnel


