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Xhance reinvents game data analytics and performance with blockchain

Control your game-analytics with Adrealm’s mobile data attribution platform Xhance is decentralised, open-sourced and revolutionary
Xhance reinvents game data analytics and performance with blockchain

Typically, data attribution, lifetime value, and return on investment (ROI) analytics platforms are centralised - and if you’ve been following industry news, then you know that ‘centralised’ is the new C-word.

A centralised platform is proprietary tech that has been developed by or for a company for analysis work, and which keeps for itself all the data it gleans in the course of analysis.

Which is fine, until you start thinking about security risks and wondering what your data attribution service provider is doing with your data. After all, these are your players. You earned them - don’t burn them.

The situation is a great use-case for blockchain technology, and there’s a company poised to use blockchain to score a big win in the attribution analysis industry.

UPLTV (‘Up Lifetime Value’) is rolling out a platform with their in-house blockchain division (Adrealm).

It’s called Xhance, and it will tackle a myriad of problems endemic to closed, centralised platforms. Xhance will be the first DApp (Decentralised App) to be launched on Adrealm’s new blockchain-based ecosystem.

Will this be an expensive fix? No. Attribution tools and analysis suites are pricey, with service packages ranging anywhere between $15k to $240k. Xhance, which is open-source and accessible to both advertisers and games developers, will cost anywhere between one-third to one-fifth of what competitors are charging.

There’s more than one way to tap into the power of Xhance. Service plans are offered in three different packages, allowing users to align their needs with their budgets. The start-up package is free, with the rate jumping to $3,000 for the professional package. Enterprise customers are given rates upon request.

“We’ve made games. We’ve published games. We’ve done a lot of user acquisition campaigns so we understand the value of real, accurate data. Deeply.”

Alix L., Partner (R&D), Adrealm Foundation

Establishing data authenticity is a huge problem for advertisers and it is particularly acute in the age of mobile. Most attribution platforms aren’t able to get raw data, which means their accuracy cannot be verified. This means in-app monetisation strategies tend to rely on data that cannot be authentically verified by the attribution platform.

This is something Xhance targets specifically and it’s something UPLTV knows a lot about. UPLTV uses AI to help games developers optimise their advertising strategy, and engages in over 30 million daily ad impressions.

Xhance’s solution to this is to cut out the middle-man, and have data wholly owned and managed by the advertisers. Advertisers will have access to raw data, which ensures data accuracy. One massive benefit of this is improved ad attribution.

Another benefit is ROI/LTV analysis that provides holistic tracking of campaign channels, Holistic tracking generates accurate ROI and LTV analysis by combining both IAP data and advertising behaviour.

Data leakage is another disease plaguing the industry, and results chiefly from data being owned and controlled by attribution platforms, which are highly susceptible to data breaches.

The Xhance solution to this includes multiple crypto-guards and private deployment. Xhance also has anti-fraud measures that include an advanced solution to filter click fraud, fraudulent data and suspicious IP traffic.

The platform eliminates problems arising from fixed analytical methods, untraceable processes and non-support of third-party analysis through a variety of novel features.

Xhance’s flexible solutions include a pluggable toolkit, an open source ecosystem and third-party API.

Xhance is now accepting seed user applications from mobile games developers. Seed users can receive up to three months of free analytics and attribution services, as well as 108,888 ARM tokens (value of $500-plus). Click here to apply.

And if you happen to be in Shanghai on August 2nd, join us at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Pudong, where we will be introducing Xhance and Adrealm in advance of ChinaJoy 2018.