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Video: Top tips on localisation for the China market

For starters, don't use Google Translate
Video: Top tips on localisation for the China market

Stephen Peacock, USA Director at Alpha CRC, took to the stage at Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2015 to talk about the importance of localisation.

His main focus was on China, a country where "you really have to go all-in" in not just text, but art, app store content, and the overall culture of the game.

Don't Google Translate

In terms of the translation itself, he offered up Google Translate as a "good idea" but simply said "don't do it", and suggested that you need a translator with experience of the culture to work with you, or else you may as well just launch in English.

Peacock also reminded developers of China's heavy censorship, and warned people to "beware of the firewall, it's going to hurt you."


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2015 in this YouTube Playlist.