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Lords Mobile developer I Got Games has opened a new office in Indonesia

Company celebrates opening of branch with grand ceremony and orchestral performances
Lords Mobile developer I Got Games has opened a new office in Indonesia

Lords Mobile developer I Got Games has opened a new office in the Indonesian city of Jakarta.

The move was celebrated with a multi-event opening ceremony including an office tour, cosplay showcase and after-party. In attendance was IGG Indonesia Digital commissionaire Richard Chua, among other company figureheads.

The new office, located in the Sudirman Central Business District, will house a number of departments, including human resources, business development and marketing.

Party time

I Got Games also used the event as an opportunity to unveil a newly composed Lords Mobile theme song, Champion's Overture, as guests entered.

"The music gives our game such an epic sound which really represent the fighting spirit of the game,” said IGG Indonesia business development manager Shirly Liu.

“It has a medieval and folklore elements to it which really heighten the quality of our game as a strategy war game."