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The bumper Very Big Indie Pitch heads to Hong Kong

The Big Indie Pitch follows the success of Seattle with a trip to the bustling metropolis that is the Pearl of the Orient
The bumper Very Big Indie Pitch heads to Hong Kong

We’ve been all over the world promoting indie development and discovering the next big hits through our industry leading indie development competition The Big Indie Pitch.

From London to San Francisco, and from Seoul to Helsinki, we’re always looking for somewhere new and fresh to head to. So what better place than Hong Kong as a part of our first ever Pocket Gamer Connects conference in the Far East?

Join in

As such, we’re looking for talented indie developers not just from Hong Kong, but from all over to come and join us at Pocket Gamer Connects as part of the bumper edition Very Big Indie Pitch. Interested and think you fit the bill? If so then simply read on. Details on how to register including links can be found at the end of this article.

Not only is this a perfect opportunity for indie developers of all shapes and sizes, both regionally and internationally, to show off their latest game to a range of industry experts including journalists, investors, publishers and renowned indie developers, but it’s also a prime networking opportunity, and a great chance to get involved in an exciting conference as well.

Oh, did we mention that it's free to enter and that every developer will receive guaranteed editorial coverage and written feedback? There’s also be brand new prizes too that have been tailored specifically for the indie community, and all of our developers will be entered into consideration for the next Big Indie Awards!

Speed-dating, arcade style

We have many a regular entering the Big Indie Pitch, but most of our entrants are brand new to the event. So, if you’re one of those developers who has never entered the Big Indie Pitch before, you may be wondering just how it works. Well, if that’s the case, then let me explain.

The Big Indie Pitch process couldn’t be simpler. Developers come along with their games in hand, before being given five minutes to pitch their title to the first of five judge tables. Once the time is up, a horn will sound and it’s time to move onto the next table and do it all over again. Once developers have seen all five tables their turn is over and it's time for the next set of developers begin their pitches.

All in all, it’s a unique chance to place your game into the hands of some of the most influential minds in the industry and receive immediate feedback on your game over the course of the meeting.

Our Big Indie Awards 2018 Winners
Our Big Indie Awards 2018 Winners

Feedback, prizes and coverage

Following the pitch we’ll also collect up all of the feedback and email this over to you so you have a written record of just what the judges liked about the game, alongside some tips and advice on how they think you could grow it as you move forward with development.

We’ll be covering every game in our round-up piece over on and we’ll be conducting interviews with the top three which will be published right here on PocketGamer.Biz.

Finally, those we’ll also have a range of prizes on offer at both pitches for the top three developers. Prizes which the lucky developers will be able to use across our portfolio of websites in order to market and promote their game, alongside free tickets to a Pocket Gamer Connects of your choice.

Interested, but not sure if you qualify?

Well if that describes you, then read on:

  • You can pitch games for mobile, handheld (including Switch) mobile VR or AR in The Big Indie Pitch
  • You can pitch your game even if you've pitched it at a previous pitch
  • We prefer to see unreleased games, though we're happy to see games that are out too
  • Your game doesn’t have to be completed, as we welcome games in development
  • Deadline for entries are listed on each event page (entry details below). However, space is limited so the sooner you enter the more likely you are of being shortlisted
  • Oh and did we mention it's completely free too?

Hopefully this sounds as exciting to you as it does to us, as we're really looking forward to highlighting indie developers from the whole world over. If so, then you can simply head over to our EVENT PAGE over on for more info, or if you've seen enough already then you can head straight to our REGISTRATION PAGE right here on PocketGamer.Biz.

We look forward to seeing you all there. Oh, and don’t forget to bring your business cards.

Upcoming BIPs include:

More coming soon so make sure to regularly check our upcoming events page here and over on